
Southern Sudan

619,745 square kilometres.

Boundaries: Sudan to the north, Ethiopia to the east, Uganda and Kenya to the southeast, Democratic Republic of Congo to the southwest and Central African Republic to the west.

Climate: Equatorial climate with high humidity and lots of rainfall. The rainy season varies but is generally between April and November. Temperatures are moderate but vary depending on the season.

Terrain: Mainly plain interrupted every so often by hilly areas with thick equatorial vegetation and savannah grasslands. The country also has mountainous ranges along its border with Uganda. Some of these include Imatong, Didinga and Dongotona, which rise more than 3,000 metres above sea level.

Mineral Resources: Include petroleum, iron ore, gold, silver, copper, aluminium, coal, uranium, chromium ore, copper, zinc, mica, diamond, quartz and tungsten.

Water Resources: The River Nile is the dominant geographic feature in South Sudan, flowing across the country. South Sudan is home to the world’s largest swamp, the Sudd, which covers a total area of 30,000 square kilometres.

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